Personal projects

Megan Fox

Megan Fox, personal project, 2024.

Investigating my own being, my own techniques, my own strengths and my weaknesses, I continue to find points and tools to exploit, to enhance. With this personal work, I wanted to represent the old Megan Fox in her character from Jennifer’s Body, a cult horror film where beauty plays an important role. I thus wanted to exploit the texture, light and contrast.


Investigando mi propio ser, mis propias técnicas, mis propias fortalezas y mis debilidades, me sigo encontrando con puntos y herramientas a explotar, a engrandecer. Con esta obra de corte personal, quise representar a la antigua Megan Fox en su personje de Jennifer’s Body, película de terror de culto donde la belleza cobrabra un papel importante. Quise así explotar la textura, la luz y el contraste.


17 junio, 2024
