Personal projects

The Love Witch

The Love Witch, personal project, 2025.

A few months ago I discovered the movie The Love Witch, which I discovered through stills on Instagram, and I was stunned by that seventies, dazzling, witchy and unique aesthetic, filmed in the middle of 2016, and I thought: how have I not discovered this before? Since then, I have not stopped illustrating it: its beauty, its movement, its light. Little by little I have been studying it to work on it, in different frames, poses, etc., and be able to capture, as here, all its texture, its emotions, and above all, the infinite light.


Hace unos meses descubrí en la película The Love Witch, la cual descubrí a través de fotogramas en Instagram, y me quedé atónita con esa estética setentera, deslumbrante, brujil y única, rodada en pleno 2016, y pensé: ¿cómo no he descubierto yo esto antes? Desde entonces, no he parado de ilustrarla: su belleza, su movimiento, su luz. Poco a poco he ido estudiándola para ir trabajándola, en distintos fotogramas, poses, etc, y poder plasmar, como aquí, toda su textura, sus emociones, y sobretodo, la luz infinita. 


6 febrero, 2025
